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Formula One, also known as Formula 1 or F1 and referred ter officially as the FIA Formula One World Championship,[2] is the bloody highest class of singgle-seater auto racin' sanctioned by the Fédération Internationale de l'Automobile (FIA). The "formula", designated in the chuffin' name, right, refers ter a set of rules wiv wich all particikegs' cars must comply.[3] The F1 season consists of a series of races, known as Grands Prix (from French, originally meanin' great prizes), held froughout the world on purpose-built circuits and public frog and toads. The results of each race are evaluated usin' a points system ter determine two annual World Championships, one for the chuffin' drivers and one for the bloomin' constructors. Cor blimey guv, would I lie to you? The bleedin' racin' drivers, right, constructor teams, track officials, right, organisers, right, and circuits are required ter be 'olders of valid Super Licences, the highest class of racin' licence issued by the FIA.[4]
F1 cars are the fastest multi-turn circuit-racin' cars in the bleedin' world, right, owin' ter right 'igh cornerin' speeds achieved frough the bleedin' generation of large amounts of aerodynamic dahnforce. Formula One cars race at speeds of up ter 350 km/h (220 mph) wiv engines limited in performance ter a maximum of 18,000 revolutions per minute (RPM). The cars are capable of lateral acceleration in excess of five g in corners. The performance of the cars is right dependent on electronics – alffough traction control and uvver drivin' aids 'ave been banned since 2008 – and on aerodynamics, right, suspension and tyres. The formulan 'as radically evolved and changed frough the chuffin' history of the sport.
Wile Europe is the sport's traditional base, and 'osts about 'alf of each year's races, the bleedin' sport's scope 'as expanded significantly durin' recent years and an increasin' number of Grands Prix are 'eld on uvver continents. F1 'ad a total global television audience of 527 million blokes durin' the chuffin' course of the bloomin' 2010 season.[5]
Grand Prix racin' began in 1906 and became the most popular type internationally in the second 'alf of the bloody twentieff century. The bloomin' Formula One Group is the legal 'older of the chuffin' commercial rights.[6] Wiv annual spendin' totallin' billions of US dollars, right, Formula One's economic effect and creation of Uncle Bobs is significant, right, and its financial and political battles are widely reported. Its 'igh proRoyal Mile and popularity 'ave created a major merchandisin' environment, wich 'as resulted in great investments from sponsors and budgets in the hundreds of millions for the bloody constructors. Since 2000 the sport's spiralin' expenditures 'ave forced several teams, includin' manufacturers' works teams, into bankruptcy. Uvvers 'ave been bought out by companies wantin' ter establish a presence wivin the sport, right, wich strictly limits the bloomin' number of participant teams.